Thursday 26 March 2009

5 minutes peace

(I've acquired a new skill... typing with my MASSIVE mug resting on my keyboard. It's taken some practice, believe me...)

Well, well, well... the wedding, the wedding... fucking classic! Best Man forget's rings (before we get into church, so Bride ends up going round block 3 times while Best Man scrabbles into the Porsche and speeds to Wimbledon and back), Bridesmaid passes out drunk and many funny photos end up on facebook. Brilliant :D the video of the first dance is just uploading onto YouTube as we speak...


ta daaaaa

When the song started, we were all convinced that the DJ put on the wrong song... then they started dancing :) It's Owen making noises in the background. He's cool. He appreciates Guinness and Rick Astley (the best things in life) as much as I do :D

It's coooooooool :)

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