Monday 12 January 2009

I don't know what to say in my first blog, other than to introduce myself properly. I'm Bryony and I live in London, England. It's shit, tbh. The weather's crap all the time, seriously. It's always too hot or too cold!
Last week, I started volunteering for the British Heart Foundation in Twickenham. The people are awesome and some of the things that come through are truly astonishing (in good and bad ways!). It's a proper laugh and I think more people should do it!
Massive Harlequins fan, also. I was in Paris when we beat Stade Francais :) that was a truly AMAZING day with the madré but no alcohol! I nearly died! Lol :) Danny Care is hot ;)
Ummmm...... that's about it really. Other than there are likely to be MANY totally random musings about nothing in particular. I'm opinionated and my mind wanders... you could be quite amused!

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